Please fill out the form below to connect with Southern Cross Club booking office. We will follow up with you shortly with availability and other details.

    Dive Equipment Rental Rates

    with Southern Cross Club

    Rates for In-house Guests

    Nitrox In-House Guests
    Rate (US$)
    Nitrox Outside Guests
    Rate (US$)
    Sea Kayaks
    Rate (US$)
    Sea Kayaks outside guests
    Rate (US$)
    Bicycles in-house guests
    Rate (US$)
    Bicycles outside guests
    Rate (US$)
    $15 / hr
    Dive computers
    Rate (US$)
    Dive light
    Rate (US$)
    $15 / day
    Snorkel equipment in-house guests
    Rate (US$)
    Snorkel equipment outside guests
    Rate (US$)
    $15 / day
    BCD, regulator and exposure suit
    Rate (US$)
    $15 / day
    Full Dive Equipment
    Rate (US$)
    $40 / day
    Digital Camera
    Rate (US$)
    $25 / dive
    (includes downloading digital images onto a CD for you to take home)
    GoPro Hire - First Day
    Rate (US$)
    $45 / dive
    (first day includes GoPro with underwater housing, how to setup GoPro and use, editing with downloading to a CD to take home with you)
    GoPro Hire - subsequent days
    Rate (US$)
    $35 / dive
    (second day includes GoPro with underwater housing, downloading to a CD to take home with you)

    *Rates may change without notice.

    * All rates are quoted in US$.