Please fill out the form below to connect with Southern Cross Club booking office. We will follow up with you shortly with availability and other details.

    Fishing Compliment

    with Southern Cross Club

    Length of Stay

    1 night (1 charter)
    Rate (US$)
    2 nights (1 charter)
    Rate (US$)
    3 nights (2 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    4 nights (3 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    5 nights (4 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    6 nights (5 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    7 nights (6 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    8 nights (7 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    9 nights (8 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    10 nights (9 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    11 nights (10 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    12 nights (11 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    13 nights (12 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    14 nights (13 charters)
    Rate (US$)
    1. * Price may change w/o notice.
      Package rates reflect price per charter either walking the flats or in a fishing skiff inside the reef.  A charter is recommended to be one guest, but 2 guests are easily accommodated.
    2. Fishing credits do not include rod and tackle rental and start the day after arrival . For example, a 4 night fishing package compliment will include three (3) guided flats fishing sessions. A 7 night fishing package compliment will include six (6) guided flats fishing sessions.
    3. Sessions vary according to targeted species, but generally a Tarpon pond session is 2 – 3 hours and a flats of fishing skiff session is 3-4 hours.
    4. It is possible for Fishing Credits to be used towards offshore fishing trips or diving.  If you wish to book offshore fishing sessions then arrangements can be made with your fishing guide once you have checked in.  Please be sure our reservations office is aware of what specific fishing or diving activities you might be interested in.
    5. Unused package credits are not refundable.